At the LLRA AGM, on 22 May at 7pm in the Discovery Cafe, residents will be asked to approve a new LLRA Constitution. The new Constitution has been developed to help the operation of LLRA and to allow us to develop a Neighbourhood Plan. Read the proposed new LLRA Constitution and the existing LLRA Constitution.
In advance of the AGM, the information below gives more detail on the changes. Please do come along to the AGM to discuss and vote on this proposal.
If you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to make any comments, please email The final decision will be taken by those attending and voting at the LLRA AGM on 22 May but we will mention at the meeting (not using residents’ names) any other feedback from the consultation we have had, before the decision is made by the community.
(How to find the Discovery Cafe in Long Leys).
Summary of changes: The new Constitution is widely amended, particularly to clarify aims (Section 2) and membership criteria (Section 3). Substantive changes include in Section 2 a definition of the Long Leys area, and a more inclusive definition of the community we seek to serve; in Section 3, the addition of a category of Associate Membership and the definitions and differences that apply between associate and full membership of LLRA; Section 4 specifies that meetings must be minuted, and sets down a basis for management committee renewal and introduces 3-year terms for elected committee members; Section 8 clarifies required quorums for various categories of meeting.
The Association area shall be defined as all that falling within the area marked with a dotted red and black boundary line on the map below.

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