Long Leys Residents’ Association (LLRA) Annual General Meeting will be on Tuesday 22 May 2018 at 7pm in the Discovery Cafe, Discovery House, St George’s, Long Leys Road, LN1 1FS.
The Cafe will open from 6:30pm and complimentary coffees, teas and soft drinks will be available for attendees. All residents of the Long Leys area of Lincoln are invited to attend (defined as being from the A57 turnoff to Yarborough Hill and all side roads leading off). Residents are automatically a member of the Association and able to vote at the AGM.
Local county and city councillors plan to attend and our local PCSO, Pete Davies, will be invited. The community is grateful for the use of the Discovery Cafe venue, provided at no charge by St George’s.
A more detailed agenda will be published before the meeting but should include:
- Welcome and Introductions
- Overview of LLRA
- LLRA accounts summary
- Proposal to amend LLRA constitution
- Election of at least three Management Committee members
- Current issues
- Veolia legal fund status and plan
- Neighbourhood Plan development (helping to shape our community in the years ahead) and Section 106 money
- Planning and development activity
- Whitton Park footpath adoption
- Proposal to help reduce traffic speeds on Long Leys Road
- Carholme Gala 2018 (Sunday 23 September)
- Carols on the Green (Saturday 22 December)
- Commons Advisory Panel
- Carholme Community Forum
- Other issues (contributions invited from attendees)
We look forward to seeing you at your Residents’ Association AGM.
Note on Management Committee Elections:
There are currently nine LLRA Management Committee members, all elected at the 2017 AGM with the exception of Jackie Ward our Treasurer who was co-opted to this role. See LLRA Management Committee. The LLRA constitution requires one third of the committee to stand down, decided by lot, and may stand for re-election. Jackie Ward – LLRA Treasurer, Tony Wass and Emma Olivier-Townrow were selected to stand down and all will stand for re-election. There is no constitutional requirement to have a committee of a specific number.
We are always looking for residents who want to make a real difference in their community and are prepared to play an active role in the LLRA by spending time planning or leading community projects, as well as attending committee meetings. Anyone wishing to stand for election to the Residents Association Management Committee simply needs to notify Jon Davies, LLRA Secretary, no later than the start of the AGM (by 7pm 22 May) . If you would like to learn more about being on the Management Committee then please feel free to contact Jon Davies, LLRA Secretary (email jon.davies@long-leys.org tel 01522 853630) who will be happy to help. There is always the opportunity for any resident to be involved in some of the teams working on community projects, without standing for election if they so wish.
Candidates wishing to stand for the Management Committee are welcome to send candidate profile details and a photograph to Jon Davies, so their details can be added to the Long Leys Community website to help improve their visibility within the community. See LLRA Management Committee page for an example profile. There is no requirement for any candidate to do this.
How To Find The Discovery Cafe On Foot
To find the Discovery Cafe from Long Leys Road
- Turn into Carram Way by Utopia Hair & Beauty
- In 150 metres turn right into Manrico Drive
- In 30 metres turn right into Benbow Way
- In 100 metres, at the junction, turn left, continuing along Benbow Way
- in 75 metres, you will be at Discovery House
There are some double doors just to the right of the main entrance doors of Discovery House. Please use these doors to get into the cafe, as the cafe access via the main entrance doors is locked in the evening.
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