LLRA’s 2024 AGM was held on Tuesday 11 June 2024, kindly hosted at the Discovery Cafe at St. George’s Hospital. Read 2024 AGM and Community Meeting Minutes.
AGM Summary
- The LLRA financial report for 2023/24 was presented.
- A resolution was passed to add new clauses to the LLRA Constitution. See LLRA Constitution (2024).
- Dr Natalie Evans and Elizabeth Wilson were elected, and Gary Stimson was re-elected to the LLRA Management Committee. The current committee consists of 9 residents: Gary Stimson (Chair), Keith Newsome (Vice Chair), Jon Davies (Secretary), Jackie Ward (Treasurer), Glenn Smith, Nick Wiles, Ben Hill, Elizabeth Wilson and Natalie Evans.
- Thanks and appreciation were given for the contribution and hard work of Jim Hanrahan who stood down after joining the committee in 2019.
Community Meeting Summary
- County Councillor Neil Murray gave an update on issues including safety concerns on Long Leys Road by Cloverleaf, and by the northern entrance to Carram Way. Other issues covered were the closed footpath between Albion Crescent and Burton Road roundabout (uphill section) and the water leaking from the drains by the Curtis bakery site. See minutes for other issues raised.
- Steve Kemp of OpenPlan took the meeting through the next steps in the Long Leys Neighbourhood Plan and explained that, when complete, the policies in the plan will give the community some influence over planning and building in our area. Without a Neighbourhood Plan, planning decisions are taken by referring only to National Planning Policy and Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Policy. An overview was also given of the recently completed Long Leys Resident Survey, which attracted a healthy response rate of 174 completed surveys. The survey summary contains helpful guidance on a variety of issues including on travel, facilities, future possible development sites and green spaces. The responses will help to inform preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan, which will be the subject of
further community engagement and consultation. - Other issues were raised by residents in the open forum session. See minutes above for details of what was discussed.
My elderly father lives on Albion Close and uses a mobility scooter, There is a beech hedge on Albion Crescent blocking almost half of the pavement. When it has rained the hedge holds the water and soaks his clothes. Does anyone know who to contact about this?
Hi Andrew. You can report problems with trees or shrubs overhanging a footpath to Lincolnshire County Council:
Via fix my street: https://fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
Or to the Customer Services Team Tel: 01522 782060