The LLRA 2024 Constitution was adopted after a community vote at the LLRA 2024 AGM on 11 June 2024.
1. Name of Association
The name of the Association is the Long Leys Residents’ Association (2009), hereafter referred to as ‘LLRA’ or ‘the Association’.
2. The Aims of the Association (LLRA)
The aims of the Association are:
a) To represent all individuals who live, spend their leisure time, work, or carry out business within the area. The Association area shall be defined as all that falling within the area marked with a dotted red and black boundary line on the attached map (see Appendix A).
b) To promote and exercise individuals’ rights, the maintenance and improvement of their amenities and environment, and their economic and social wellbeing.
c) To encourage recreation and social activities within the area.
d) To uphold equal opportunities and to work for good relations among all individuals and other members of the community, including those who carry out business, or spend their work or leisure time within the area.
e) To represent the interests of the community in consultation with other bodies, and to maintain effective working relationships with elected members of other bodies representing all or any part of the area.
f) To work alongside other organisations representing areas in which LLRA has a common interest, including but not limited to West Common. LLRA will exercise that specific interest as a participant in the Lincoln Commons Advisory Panel, and otherwise, and with other areas as deemed appropriate.
3. Membership of the Association
a) All residents or others whose primary dwelling is within the area defined above are automatically eligible to be FULL VOTING MEMBERS of the Association for as long as that condition applies.
b) Residents do not become full voting members until their 16th birthday.
c) The Association makes no distinction between residents who own or rent their primary dwelling.
d) The category of ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is open to any individual, group, or organisation who carries out a business, attends as an employee, or spends work or leisure time in the area for any reason. Associate Members have no vote at LLRA meetings.
e) To apply and be registered as an Associate Member, individuals or groups should provide their contact details to the LLRA Secretary requesting such membership, and explaining their link with the area.
f) Elected members of City of Lincoln Council and Lincolnshire County Council representing any part of the LLRA area will automatically receive ex officio Associate Membership of the Association.
4. Management
a) The Association will be managed by a Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) that shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee will meet as required, and must meet at least twice a year. Committee officers will be elected in committee, not at the AGM.
b1) The Committee must consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and at least one other full member of LLRA. All Committee members must be full voting members of LLRA as defined above. Only one member may be elected from any one household.
b2) While individuals may hold more than one office, the Committee should comprise no fewer than five people, either elected or coopted.
b3) To enable functional meetings, and to keep the Committee focused on management, the Committee should not exceed nine people, except in the case of exceptional circumstances as defined by the Chair. (Note: Clause 4f allows for augmenting the Committee through cooption where special skills or knowledge would be desirable.)
c) The chair has a casting vote if a vote is tied in a Committee meeting. Where such a tie results from a member or members abstaining from the vote, notice must be given that the Chair has the right to use a casting vote, and a second substantive vote held in advance of that casting vote which may thus be rendered unnecessary.
d) If vacancies occur among the officers or elsewhere in the Committee, the Committee has the power to fill them from among the LLRA full membership by co-option until the next AGM of the Association.
e) Approximately one third of the Committee members will stand down at each AGM, on a rotating basis assuming in normal circumstances a three-year term of office from the AGM at which they are first elected. Committee members standing down on this basis are free to stand for re-election.
f) The Committee has the power to co-opt members of groups represented within the community on to the Committee and any working parties and other sub-committees, with the aim of making the group more representative and encouraging equal opportunities. Associate members are welcome to join sub-committees and working parties.
g) Non-attendance at meetings on a regular basis, and without good reason advised to the Secretary, shall result in that non-attending member after due warning forfeiting their place on the Committee. Vacancies may be filled by co-option until the next AGM.
h) Meetings of the Association shall be formally recorded in the form of written minutes, which must be approved by the Committee, and made available to members through appropriate means.
5. Exclusion during City or County Elections
a) Any member of the Association standing for election in the City or County Council elections must not be involved in the administration or activity of the Association during the election period, and must stand down from the Committee if elected to either of these bodies.
b) The Committee as elected at the annual general meeting will be responsible for identifying any such members and advising them of this condition, and ensuring that this exclusion clause is carried out.
6. Annual General Meeting
a) The Committee must call an AGM which will be open to all full and associate members.
b) The AGM shall take place within no more than 15 months from the preceding AGM. If in exceptional circumstances (eg. Covid restrictions) an AGM cannot take place, for the purposes of subsequent meetings it shall be deemed to have taken place at the latest possible date within the 15 month period above, and the next AGM date will start to count from that time. The existence of such exceptional circumstances must be agreed by a simple majority vote of the Committee.
c) The AGM shall receive the annual report of the Committee and the approved statement of accounts; accept the resignations in due turn of Committee members and officer holders; elect a Committee for the coming year; make recommendations to the Committee; and to vote, where necessary, on proposals to amend the constitution. Any other business may be discussed at the discretion of the Chair.
d) Whilst standard practice should remain that only full members present at the meeting may vote, and that no absentee votes will be accepted, it is acknowledged that exceptional circumstances may arise where these constraints may work against the effective management of the meeting (eg. Covid restrictions). In such exceptional circumstances, the Chair has the authority to ask the Committee to accept a form of proxy voting. In such an event, full details of how to exercise such a vote must comply with Clause 6f, and all votes thus received must be confirmed for eligibility before final acceptance.
e) Decisions of general meetings are binding on the Committee and shall be formally recorded in the form of written minutes, and made available to members by appropriate means.
f) The Association must give all members at least 21 days notice of the annual general meeting.
7. Special General Meeting
a) At any time, the chair may call a special general meeting of the Association, either to alter the constitution, or to consider matters that the Committee decides should be referred to the members in general.
b) A special general meeting may also be called at the written request of at least 20 full members, who give written reasons for the request. This number may include Committee members. No fewer than fifteen of those written requests must be judged similar in intent in the judgement of the Chair, so as to make clear a single purpose for the meeting, but without ruling out any other business deemed urgent by a simple majority vote of those present and entitled to vote.
c) A Special General Meeting may take place through video-conferencing or similar, if considered appropriate.
8. Conduct of Business
a) The Association’s business must be conducted by the Committee elected at each AGM.
b) It is a condition of membership that members must at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings or in premises used by the Association. Any member may be excluded for breaching this condition, or for any other conduct contravening the Association’s aims. Exclusion shall be determined by a majority of those present and voting at any Committee or general meeting of the Association.
c) At all meetings, offensive behaviour (including racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks) is not acceptable. It will be treated as a breach of reasonable behaviour. Abuse directed at individuals through any other media beyond physical presence may also result in exclusion from LLRA for the originator and / or any individual responsible for the abuse and its publication. This could mean not being eligible to be elected to the Committee or vote at meetings.
d) LLRA is committed to opposing bullying and harassment. Causing alarm or distress to any individual (within or outside the membership) is unacceptable, and any member breaching this condition may be excluded. Exclusion shall be determined by a majority of those present and voting at any Committee or general meeting of the Association. Examples of bullying and harassment include:
- spreading malicious rumours, or insulting someone by word or behaviour;
- copying memos about someone to others who do not need to know;
- ridiculing or demeaning someone, picking on them or setting them up to fail;
- exclusion or victimisation;
- unfair treatment;
- overbearing supervision or other misuse of power or position;
- unwelcome sexual advances – touching, standing too close, the display of offensive materials, asking for sexual favours, making decisions on the basis of sexual advances being accepted or rejected;
- deliberately undermining a competent volunteer by overloading and constant criticism;
e) At all meetings, decisions must be taken by a simple majority of full members present and voting. No other votes will be accepted.
f) A quorum of the Committee shall be a simple majority of the full membership of that Committee.
g) All other formal meetings of LLRA including the AGM and any special general meeting shall also require the Committee to be quorate as above, and in addition shall require the attendance of no fewer than 15 eligible full Association members including the Committee members present.
h) Sub-committees and working groups may be established for specific purposes and will report directly to the Committee.
i) No sub-committee or working group shall be allowed to include a working majority of the substantive Management Committee. If changes in numbers of the substantive Committee lead to this occurring, the sub-committee or working group membership must change accordingly.
j) From time-to-time LLRA may receive ‘privileged information’ from third parties, i.e. information that the provider considers to be confidential or otherwise sensitive (eg commercially sensitive). Committee members must not disclose any such information without first gaining explicit permission from the information owner via the Secretary (or other LLRA officers if appropriate).
k) The Management Committee Chair and Vice Chair shall not take part together, beyond any ex officio entitlement, in any sub-committee or working group.
9. Finance
a) All money raised by and on behalf of the Association must be used only to further its aims.
b) The treasurer must keep accounts of the Association’s finances and must operate a bank account in its name. Two different signatories will be required for all cheque or similar transactions. One signature must be that of the Management Committee Chair OR Vice Chair; the other must be that of the Secretary OR Treasurer. No other combination is valid.
c) Accounts shall be examined as appropriate, and once approved must be presented at the AGM.
d) Details of the accounts must be sent to funding bodies as and when required.
10. Dissolution of the Association
a) The Association ceases to exist following the passing of a simple majority vote for its dissolution at a special general meeting or AGM. The Committee must then dissolve the Association.
b) In the first instance, any money or equipment must be returned to funding bodies where required. Any remaining money or equipment must be donated to a local charity nominated by the Association for that purpose.
Appendix A: Map of LLRA Area

Appendix B: List of Current Organisational LLRA Associate Members
- City and County Councillor Neil Murray, City of Lincoln Councillor and LCC County Councillor for Carholme Ward (ex officio)
- City Councillor Lucinda Preston, City of Lincoln Councillor for Carholme Ward (ex officio)
- City Councillor Emily Wood, City of Lincoln Councillor for Carholme Ward (ex officio)