A big thank you to the 19 enthusiastic volunteers who took to Long Leys Road on Saturday morning (2 November) armed with litter pickers and bin bags. The team made a clean sweep of the verges on Long Leys Road, from the Yarborough Road traffic lights to just past the A46 underpass as well as clearing the Higson Steps. In total, volunteers contributed 25 hours of their own time … [Read more...] about Thank You To Our Litter Picking Volunteers
West Common and Burton Ridge Nature
Help Wanted: Long Leys Autumn Litter Pick, Saturday 2 November 10–11.15 am
As a follow-up to LLRA's Spring tidy-up, we plan a litter-pick session 10–11.15 am on Saturday 2 November. If you would like to join us and assist in making our community a litter-free and more wildlife-friendly place then please email jon.davies@long-leys.org with your contact details and numbers available. This session will focus on Long Leys Road, from the top by Yarborough … [Read more...] about Help Wanted: Long Leys Autumn Litter Pick, Saturday 2 November 10–11.15 am
Update: Closure of Albion Crescent / Burton Road Roundabout Footpath
LLRA has been updated by the Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) footpath team on the closure of the uphill section of footpath 3 (the footpath that goes from Albion Crescent to the Burton Road roundabout by the Shell garage). Following subsidence, the footpath has been temporarily closed since February 2024. The closure has now been extended until at least December 2025. Due … [Read more...] about Update: Closure of Albion Crescent / Burton Road Roundabout Footpath
Historical Talks at the Grandstand + Birdwatching on South Common
Local Landscapes and Hidden Histories is a fantastic initiative from the city council, exploring the history of some of our Open Spaces. Amongst other activities it offers: Grandstand talks which are well worth attending if you are interested in Lincoln's history. Organised birdwatching walks in different Open Spaces. The next one is on South Common on 16 September. … [Read more...] about Historical Talks at the Grandstand + Birdwatching on South Common
West Common Nature Walk – Saturday 8 June 10.30 am
LLRA is delighted that Caroline Steel, one of the Trustees of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, is leading a guided walk on the West Common to talk about wildlife and how the community can help protect flora and fauna. The (free) guided walk will run: 10:30am – 12:00 noon on Saturday 8 June. To book please email jon.davies@long-leys.org with your contact details and … [Read more...] about West Common Nature Walk – Saturday 8 June 10.30 am