The Long Leys Residents’ Association (2009) Constitution
1. Name
The name of the association is the Long Leys Residents’ Association (2009), hereafter referred to as ‘the association’.
2. The aims of the association are:
a) To represent residents living in the area;
b) To promote the exercise residents’ rights and the maintenance and improvement of their amenities and environment;
c) To encourage recreation and social activities that are open to all members;
d) To uphold equal opportunities and work for good relations among members of the community;
e) To represent the interests of residents in consultation with other bodies.
3. Exclusion during city or county elections
a) Any member of the association standing for election in the City or County Council elections must not be involved with the association during the election period and must stand down from the committee if they are elected to the Council.
The management committee as elected at the annual general meeting must ensure that this exclusion
clause is carried out.
4. Management
a) The association will be managed by a management committee elected at the annual general meeting. The management committee will meet as required, and must meet at least twice a year.
b) The management committee must consist of a chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer and at least one other committee member who should be fully representative of the Long Leys area. Only one member may be elected from any one household.
c) The chair has a casting vote if a vote is tied.
d) If vacancies occur among the officers or in the committee, the committee has the power to fill them from among their members until the next annual general meeting of the association when elections should take place for all committee members.
e) One third of the committee members stand down at the annual general meeting, decided by lot, and may stand for re-election.
f) The management committee has the power to co-opt members of groups represented on the estate on to the committee and its working parties and all other sub-committees, with the aim of making the group more representative and encouraging equal opportunities. Non-attendance at meetings would result in forfeiting a place on the committee. Vacancies would be filled by co-option until the next AGM.
g) The association must hold regular meetings, and keep members informed by appropriate means.
5. Annual general meeting
a) The management committee must call an annual general meeting which will be open to all members, to receive the annual report of the committee and the audited statement of accounts; to accept the resignations of the committee and officer holders; to elect a committee for the coming year; to make recommendations to the committee; and to vote, where necessary, on proposals to amend the constitution.
b) Only members present at the meeting may vote. No other votes will be accepted.
c) Decisions of general meetings are binding on the committee.
d) The association must give all members at least 21 days notice of the annual general meeting.
6. Special general meeting
At any time, the chair may call a special general meeting of the association, either to alter the constitution or to consider matters that the management committee decides should be referred to the members in general. A special general meeting must also be called at the written request of at least 20 members who give written reasons for the request.
7. Conduct of business
a) The Association’s business must be conducted by the management committee elected at each annual general meeting.
b) At all meetings, offensive behaviour (including racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks) is not allowed. lt will be treated as a breach of reasonable behaviour.
It is a condition of membership that members must at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings or in premises used by the association. Any member may be excluded for
breaching this condition, or for any other conduct contravening the association’s aims, by a majority of those present and voting at any committee or general meeting of the association.
c) At all meetings, decisions must be taken by a simple majority of members present and voting. No other votes will be accepted.
d) The quorum (the number of members present) of the management committee is 4.
e) The quorum for all other meetings is at least 4 members of the management committee and a total attendance of 10 eligible association members (including the committee members present). Association members must be residents in the Long Leys Area aged 16 and over.
f) Sub-committees and working groups may be set for specific purposes.
g) Such groups will report directly to the management committee.
8. Finance
a) All money raised by and on behalf of the association must be used only to further its aims.
b) The treasurer must keep accounts of the association’s finances and must open a bank account in its name. Two signatories will be required for all transactions:
i) Chairman OR Vice Chairman AND;
ii) Secretary OR Treasurer.
c) Audited accounts must be presented at the annual general meeting.
d) The accounts must be sent to funding bodies as and when required.
9. Dissolution of the association
The association ceases to exist after a vote saying so at a special general meeting or annual general meeting.
If such a decision is made, a majority vote at the meeting is needed to confirm it. The committee must then dissolve the association.
In the first instance, any money or equipment must be returned to funding bodies where required. Any remaining money or equipment must be donated to a local charity nominated by the association.
The constitution was adopted as the constitution of the Long Leys Residents Association (2009) at a public meeting on 15th July 2009 held at County Council Offices.
This constitution was subject to amendments of Clause 4a and 4b, and the deletion of clause 5e, at the Association’s AGM held on 18th April 2013 at the County Council Offices.