A big thank you to the twenty local residents who came out to clear Long Leys Road, Whitton Park and the local footpaths of rubbish on Saturday 6 April. With a group ranging in ages from 3 to 70+ (with hip replacement) we made a big dent in the discarded drinks cans, crisp packets, cellophane wrappers and various other material carelessly abandoned in our community. The photo above shows some of the Long Leys litter team prepare to do battle with the litter.
This was our third litter pick and it was encouraging to see that the overall volume of litter picked on our “regular routes” has dropped quite significantly since last year. We are now picking rubbish that has been dropped recently, rather than been there for years. Of course, there are still problem areas where a small group of inconsiderate people regularly discard drinks cans, either around the Higson Steps or the footpath leading past the Westcliffe quarry up to Yarborough Road. Despite that hindrance, good progress is being made on making our area tidy and one we are proud to live in.
For our Autumn Tidy Up, provisionally 10am-11:50am Saturday 2 November, we may well be able to look a little further afield. The part of Long Leys Road under the A46 and towards the A57 has been treated as a litter dumping ground for too long. Once we have SID (our new Speed Indicator Device) operating at that end of Long Leys, slowing traffic on the 30mph section, we will look to take a working party of adults to this area to tackle it and then maintain it.
In the meantime, LLRA would like to thank Travis Perkins on Long Leys Road for the use of their general waste bins to dispose of the collected rubbish and for generously providing rubbish bags. We are also grateful for them printing your recently delivered Neighbourhood Plan Survey – please do remember to complete either the survey posted through your door or an online one at long-leys.org/long-leys-neighbourhood-plan-survey-form/. It is important that everyone in the Long Leys community gives their views on how we can influence planning and development in our area to enhance it over the next ten to twenty years.
Thanks also to Councillor Lucinda Preston for loaning the litter pickers, hi-vis vests and gloves. Last not least a special thanks to all those in the Long Leys community (and our friends from Liquorice Park) who have given up their Saturday morning to help. You are all stars!
Dates For Your Diary
Thurs 2 May: City Council elections.
Sun 12 May: Lincoln Cycling Grand Prix. Watch out for restricted vehicle access to Long Leys Road.
Tues 14 May: Horses return to West Common at the end of this year’s fallow period.
Tue 21 May: LLRA AGM and Community Meeting. 7pm. Discovery Cafe at St. George’s. All Welcome.
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