If you live, work, spend leisure time, operate a business or own land in Long Leys then please help the Long Leys community and spend a short time filling in this simple survey (View pdf map of Long Leys area).
What is This Survey For?
Long Leys Residents’ Association (LLRA) is developing a Neighbourhood Plan. Based on community-wide consultation, this will allow us to play a strong role in shaping the area we live in, by guiding planners at City of Lincoln Council and Lincolnshire County Council in the planning decisions they have to make.
Share Your Views
We will be undertaking a detailed consultation with you, but first we want to get an understanding of the broad issues that affect the community. The results of this brief survey will help guide our exploration and discovery in the next few months.
What do I need to do?
Please answer the three questions below. Answers can be as short or long as you like – its getting across what’s important to you that matters.
We also ask about your connection to Long Leys, your email address and your postcode. This is just so we can check with you if we need to clarify matters; and what street you live in so we can compare answers between neighbourhoods. Your details will not be published, and any such data will only be held offline on LLRA computers.
Once you are happy with your answers press the send button at the bottom of the survey.
Paper Option
A paper copy of the survey should also have been delivered to your home along with the LLRA newsletter during March 2019. You only need to fill in one survey: either the paper copy or online, but not both.
Thank you for helping to make Long Leys a better place to live, work, spend leisure time or do business in.