With the arrival of some sunnier and warmer weather, it has been possible to start the final landscaping and grass reseeding work. Work is being done by the playpark installation contractor together with the park’s regular outdoor maintenance contractor, Continental Landscapes. Having this combination together should ensure there is good continuity to keep the park in good condition.
The enclosed play area has been returfed and reseeded. The turf will need a couple of weeks to let the roots knit into the soil below. With the current weather forecasts available, the plan is to re-open this area prior to Easter. When the area is open please do give any new turf or reseeded areas some help by not encouraging play on these areas until they are well established.
The Sports wall area (basketball / football) is running on the same timescale. It is important that any run off areas, where the grass meets the tarmac, are smooth and not a trip hazard. A small amount of turf has been laid here and the rest of the area will be reseeded in the next week or so. Please again treat the grass areas kindly, until they are well established.
Zip wire, agility course, is somewhat behind schedule. LLRA’s realistic estimate is early May, although the contractors are working to an earlier timescale. The problem has been getting the large amount of soil needed up the slopes on boggy and wet ground. Different approaches have been tried but the latest one, using Hobblers Hole as the main route for material, seems to be working best. There are strict requirements on the maximum slope angle for the grassed areas. Once the new soil is in the right place, areas will be seeded or turfed and will need time to establish.
Basketball Coaching. LLRA has had a good response from potential basketball coaches for some basketball skills training for young people and there is the potential for a link up with the Lincoln Lighting Junior basketball team. Discussions are at an early stage, and funding is still to be worked through, but there is potential for activity in May. Further information will be provided when available.

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