LLRA has received a March update from those delivering the Whittons Park playpark project. Frustratingly it is much like the February update: “Waiting for better weather to finish the landscaping“.
As flooded areas of West Common show, storms Dudley & Eunice in February have softened the ground so there is little the Whittons Park team can do but wait for better spring weather before laying new turf or reseeding. Construction has long finished with only the zip wire left uninstalled for obvious reasons. Latest estimate is of a 2-week slippage to an opening at the end of March. That date is, as always, weather dependent. A consolation is that, when the weather is good enough for more people to want to venture into the park then it should also be good enough to finish the landscaping.
LLRA will provide a further update on progress at the end of March, and we continue to be hopeful that by early April, Long Leys should have a fantastic new playpark.
Basketball Coaching
In the meantime, LLRA is exploring options to see whether some basketball coaching can be made available. It would be great to give young people using the basketball/football area a start on some basic skills and technique. A 1-hour slot on a Saturday morning was one of the options suggested. If anyone locally has skills in this area (or knows someone who does) please do drop LLRA a line at LLRA@long-leys.org. Thank you.

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