Thanks to all the volunteers who braved the rainy weather to give Long Leys an Autumn tidy up on Saturday 2 November. About thirty hardy souls dedicated an hour of their time to make sure our pavements, footpaths and parks were litter free before winter. A special mention to all the Beavers (and supportive mums and dads) who joined us.
We managed to pick two car boot loads of litter, which were kindly transported by Councillor Lucinda Parker in her own car. Lucinda also provided us with the the litter pickers, hi-vis vests and gloves. Further thanks go to local builders merchant Travis Perkins for supplying the bin bags and for generously allowing use of their general waste bins to dispose of the collected rubbish.
Thank you also to the volunteers who tackled the ongoing mess past the A46 underpass on Long Leys Road, where a further car boot load of rubbish was collected.
It is disappointing to report that a driver pulled up in his car by the A46 underpass, as the volunteers were litter picking, to discard a vacuum cleaner by the side of the road before speeding off. Unfortunately the registration number was not visible. If only some adults showed the same consideration for our area demonstrated by our younger volunteers.

Well done everyone. Let’s hope it stays litter free for the winter 😊