The Stop Veolia Action Group has launched a JustGiving fundraising page to raise the £10,000 needed to fight Veolia’s planning appeal on refusal for a waste transfer station and Refuse Derived Fuel production facility on Long Leys Road, Lincoln. You will find the site online at
Details on the fundraising campaign are available in an article on the StopVeolia website: StopVeolia JustGiving Fundraising Page Now Active – PLEASE HELP!
Whilst Stop Veolia are leading the fundraising and will be managing the legal team fighting against the Veolia appeal, the money will be held in a Long Leys Residents Association (LLRA) bank account. The fund will be specifically overseen by independent trustees including County Councillor Rob Parker and Solicitor Richard Dale of Dale & Co., as well as the LLRA’s own scrutineers. Details of expenditure will also be published on the website.
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