St George’s Hospital has submitted a planning proposal to the City Of Lincoln Council for “the provision of an additional 29 car parking spaces and associated remedial works to the existing car park and roadways and extension of the dropped kerb to the pathway of the existing vehicular access to the site”.
Details of the planning application can be found at the planning and building page of the Lincoln City Council website.
Planning Reference 2017/0857/FUL.
Standard Consultation Expiry Date Wed 30 Aug 2017
Determination Deadline Fri 29 Sep 2017

It appears from the proposed site plan that access from Benbow Way will be restricted by drop-down bollards (see image 2 below).

The application states: “St George’s site has recently undergone the redevelopment of some of the existing buildings and facilities. However, the identified use of the site has remained the same as a mental health trust site with mixed use of wards, day centre and administration. The configuration of the existing building footprints has remained the same. However, there has been an increased need to provide additional parking and also manage the vehicular interface with the adjacent housing estate.
Currently, there is access to and from the application site from the housing estate and the proposal includes for stopping this off and providing additional parking and rationalisation of the vehicular flow on site. Part of the application intent is therefore to provide a safer site by reducing vehicular interface with the housing estate.”
“The proposals will temporarily affect the existing car parking arrangements during construction. Temporary arrangements will need to be made for accommodating staff and visitors including phasing of the works to provide some car parking whilst the works are taking place.”
Long Leys residents can make comments either for or against the application at the City of Lincoln building & planning website.
St George’s Hospital extra 29 Parking Spaces
1) Bollards at the hospital end of Benbow Way will not stop staff parking along Benbow Way and neither will “No Entry to hospital” signs erected on Carram Way. Carholme Court, etc., staff will continue to park along Carram Way and Discovery House staff along Benbow Way as usual and just walk onto the hospital site through the bollards.
2) Electronic gates right across the road at the end of Benbow Way would, hopefully, stop this problem for residents.
3) Why are new visitor parking places being accessed from Benbow Way and not Gervas House? (visitors are also parking along Benbow Way)
4) The NHS St. Georges sign at the entrance of Carram Way would be better placed by the Gervas House entrance.
5) Why are NHS hospital food delivery/supply services (plus Veolia) using the Carram Way/Benbow Way route and not the Gervas House entrance? (Sometimes driving at breakneck speed).
6) Why are hospital staff and site vehicles driving past Gervas House entrance and entering via Carram Way?
7) Why are they exiting via Benbow Way / Carram Way and not the spur road past Carholme Court?
As a resident of Benbow Way I see the same cars parking in the road on a daily basis (from 8.00a.m. onwards) because they can’t be bothered to look for a hospital site place. For example, one particular driver enters the estate at the other Carram Way entrance, turns left onto Manrico and then parks along Benbow. Cars are parked facing the hospital site direction so it is obvious they have just entered the estate via Carram Way/Long Leys Road).