SID, Long Leys own Speed Indicator Device, was located by Whitton Park between 26 March and 19 April, collecting useful data and helping to reduce the speed of traffic flowing out of Lincoln city centre. This location (L5 on map below) sees about two million vehicle movements per year and is used as a crossing between West Common and the children’s play area in Whitton Park.
What Was SID’s Impact At Whitton Park?
Initial results are very encouraging. The number of drivers each week above the 30mph speed limit has dropped by 26%, from 4,263 vehicles to 3,157 vehicles. 88% of drivers now obey the speed limit, compared to 84% previously. There has been a significant fall in the number of vehicles travelling at 30-45mph, with sadly only a small drop in the number of drivers driving above 45mph. See table below for details.
Observations From Whitton Park Data
Many drivers in Long Leys have responded by adjusting their behaviour, when given a reminder of their vehicle speed by SID. It is hoped that more will do so over time. It’s also worth noting: A driver speeding at 40mph down the entire length of Long Leys Road, rather than observing the 30mph limit, risks the lives of other members of the Long Leys community to reduce journey time by less than 30 seconds.
For a small minority (0.13%) of drivers that drive in excess of 45mph, the speed reminder has no measurable effect on their behaviour. Some of these vehicles are driven at speeds in excess of 60mph. LLRA will be working with Community Speed Watch (CSW) and the policing teams to target these worst drivers. Data on times that drivers typically speed on Long Leys Road will help to direct speed enforcement activity. The CSW van has already been stationed on Long Leys Road during the evening rush hour and beyond, rather than just during the working day
The data reveals that Long Leys Road is used more as an exit route from Lincoln City Centre, rather than an entry route to it. In a typical week, 26,000 vehicles leave Lincoln and drive past Whitton Park, compared to an estimated 24,000** vehicles heading into the city (figure revised 20 May based on additional data from cemetery location).
Note: ** SID does not accurately capture traffic volumes of near-stationary vehicles queuing on Long Leys Road in rush hour to get onto Yarborough Road.
Table: Weekly Breakdown of Speeding Traffic Past Whitton Park Location (L5 on map below)
For ease of presentation, data has been adjusted to show a constant vehicle volume each week *.
Speed | Prior to SID Number of Vehicles | With SID display Number of Vehicles | Change in Number of Vehicles | Change % |
30-35mph | 3,467 | 2,610 | -857 | -25% |
35-40mph | 647 | 437 | -210 | -32% |
40-45mph | 114 | 77 | -37 | -32% |
45mph+ | 35 | 33 | -2 | -6% |
TOTAL above limit | 4,263 | 3,157 | -1,106 | -26% |
Within limit | 21,737 | 22,843 | 1,106 | 5% |
TOTAL vehicles | 26,000 | 26,000 | – | – |
- SID encourages more drivers to keep within the speed limit: An additional 1,106 vehicles/week are within the 30mph limit driving past Whitton Park.
- SID is influencing driver behaviour of those previously driving between 30-45mph: The number of vehicles driving between 30mph – 45 mph has fallen by 26% overall with greater percentage falls at higher speeds.
- SID has had little effect on the worst drivers: The number of drivers travelling above 45mph has fallen by 6% but this still means we have 33 vehicles per week driving on Long Leys Road at over 45mph.
Early Data From Cemetery Location
SID was moved on 20 April to a new location near the cemetery (location L1 on map), displaying speeds of vehicles entering Long Leys from the A57.
Data from the first 24 hours of operation shows that there is room for improvement. Only 70% of vehicles are driving within the speed limit and 3.5% of drivers are driving in excess of 40mph, which equates to 665 drivers per week. It is hoped these figures will improve in coming weeks, as drivers respond to the helpful speed reminder that SID gives. This location is frequently used by horses and riders, on their way to West Common.
Future Activities
In the next few weeks, community volunteers will receive training on how to change the batteries on SID (they last just under a week) and how to move SID between locations. Our thanks to these public-spirited individuals for their help in maintaining the system and protecting our community.
The Long Leys Community will receive a further update on SID at the LLRA AGM and Community Meeting 7pm Tuesday 21 May at the Discovery Cafe, St George’s Hospital.
In coming months, drivers will see SID appear in various locations in Long Leys and the West End. We will share data from SID from time to time.
* Further Information About SID Data Analysis
Data “Prior to SID” was collected when SID was installed but inactive (not displaying driver speeds) between 27 March and 2 April. During that week circa 26,000 vehicles drove towards SID. From 4-19 April SID was switched to display incoming vehicle speeds and the data collected in this period was adjusted to reflect 26,000 vehicles per week. This allows a direct comparison of behaviour, assuming constant traffic volume.
The data does include a small number of emergency vehicles, which have exceeded 30mph in Long Leys, as they are legally permitted to do.
Note: SID captures speeds of vehicles in both directions but displays only those of incoming vehicles.
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