Over the weekend you will probably have received an envelope like the illustration, delivered through your letterbox…
… with a note inside saying we’ll be back this coming weekend (Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 October) to collect your envelopes – and we hope you’ll have found your way to write a cheque to LONG LEYS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION and popped it inside.
Every collector will have a paper stating they are an official collector for StopVeolia, signed by me, and with the same stamp on it as on the envelope. There’ll also be my name (Chris Taylor) and phone number (07766 66 21 10) so you can ring me if you have any concerns.
If you are going to be out this weekend, you could mail or deliver your contribution to me at the following address:
StopVeolia campaign
c/o Chris Taylor
32 Albion Close
Lincoln LN1 1ED
We’ll try to visit those houses where we can’t get an answer the following weekend (28 / 29 Oct), so if you post or deliver yours as above, do include your address so we don’t ring your bell again!
As you know, we’re raising the money to gain expert advice on the technical issues around the Veolia application (heading towards a Public Inquiry at the end of February), and to pay a barrister to represent us at the Inquiry. Veolia will surely attend with an expensive legal team, and we must be able to meet strength with strength. In law as in so many other areas, you get what you pay for.
If Veolia wins, the character of Long Leys Road will change, irreversably and forever. At that stage it will be too late to say we could have done any more. PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY!
With best wishes
PS Please do be understanding with the volunteer collectors if you believe you’ve done all you can already. We cannot practically pass by your homes and deliver only to those who haven’t yet donated, especially as some donors requested anonymity, so just say “no thanks” to our collection teams, or give us back an empty envelope if you feel you’ve done your share.
John Shipton says
Martin Hill, the leader of the Lincolnshire County Council has made a public statement re-emphasizing his support for the residents living in the Long Leys Road area of Lincoln in opposing the Waste Transfer Station which Veolia ES (UK) Ltd wish to build at all costs.
Read https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/news/lincolnshire-county-council-statement-on-veolia-appeal-to-proposed-long-leys-road-development/131745.article
and the Lincolnite reported his public statement as seen here on http://thelincolnite.co.uk/2017/10/county-council-leader-still-opposed-plans-lincoln-waste-transfer-site/