LLRA has been advised that the recent planning application for a 15-metre high 5G mast on Long Leys Road has been refused by the Local Planning Authority (City of Lincoln Council).
Planning Reason For Refusal: The siting and appearance of the proposed monopole would have a harmful visual impact on the character and appearance of the area by reason of its height, size, design and position, which is exacerbated by the site’s highly visible location. It would appear as an obtrusive, prominent, dominant and imposing addition in the street scene, contrary to Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Policy LP53 and the National Planning Policy Framework.
LLRA understands the applicant has the usual opportunity to resubmit a slightly different scheme, or has six months to appeal the decision to the National Planning Inspectorate.
Further details on the application can be found at the City Planning Portal (search “Long Leys Road”).
Ref: Installation of a 15m 5G Monopole pole and additional equipment cabinets. Land Adjacent To Oakleigh Drive Long Leys Road Lincoln.
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