Great news! After some lengthy effort and hard work by both LLRA and local councillors, new bollards have now been installed by the A46 underpass on Long Leys Road.
The seven bollards, funded by Lincolnshire County Council Highways, will close off one of the regular problem areas for flytipping in Long Leys. Clearing fly tipping at this site has cost council tax payers many thousands of pounds over recent years, paid out of the hard pressed city council budget.
LLRA’s thanks go to both local County Councillor Robert Parker (Carholme) and County Councillor Dan McNally (Executive Councillor: Waste and Trading Standards) for progressing this. Thanks also to the landowner (Highways England) and owners of the nearby Lowfields Farm for their help.
Whilst it is unlikely to stop flytipping altogether, it will force those dumping rubbish illegally to use riskier and more visible sites where detection will be easier.
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