LLRA are pleased to announce the winners of the recent Long Leys Photo Competition, kindly supported by Tesco.
- Winner Under 12: Niamh Burgess, for Bluebells & Forget-me-nots in Hedge
- Winner Adult: Deborah Lisseman, for Prickly Characters
Well done to Niamh and Deborah on their winning photographs which are shared below. Your prizes of £20 Tesco vouchers are on their way!
Due to the high standard of entries, the judges struggled to separate the winner of the Under 12 competition. As a result, they have also awarded a Runner Up prize of a £10 Tesco voucher to: Flynn Willgoose, for Ladybugs Lair
LLRA would like to thank the three judges, Sean Mowle, Paul Massey and Ben Jennings for giving up their time to judge the competition.
Winner Under 12: Niamh Burgess
Bluebells & Forget-me-nots in Hedge

Winner Adult: Deborah Lisseman
Prickly Characters

Runner Up U12: Flynn Willgoose
Ladybugs Lair

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