Long Leys Cemetery, along with all other cemeteries in England, is currently closed for access as part of the laws covering the COVID-19 National Lockdown. Only those attending funerals or tending graves are permitted to enter a cemetery. When lockdown ends on Wednesday 2 December, visitors will notice new signage, reminding them of their responsibilities when using this place of rest for other purposes, such as exercise and dog walking.
The signage reminders have been installed following previous incidents, resulting in distress to families and friends of those interred in the cemetery.
Reminder of Visitor Responsibilities
- Please remove all waste or dispose of it in the baskets provided
- Vehicle access, other than to the car park near the gate, is for official cemetery vehicles and disabled drivers only
- Dogs must be kept on a short lead and under close control
- All dog waste should be picked up
LLRA requests that all residents observe these responsibilities.
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