You’ll be pleased that the police are now far more active in slowing down the traffic on Long Leys Road to the legal limit. The difference in driver behaviour really is noticeable when they are here. But they cannot be present all the time, so the plans agreed at the LLRA AGM to obtain and fit a mobile Speed Indicator Device (SID) are being implemented. LLRA have applied for Community Speed Watch membership and are now at the stage of agreeing the most appropriate sites between which the device can be moved (see below for map of what are likely to be the final locations). LLRA are also applying to Lincolnshire County Council to release the circa £3k of funds needed for this project, from the Section 106 money LCC hold for us.
Volunteers are needed to help monitor and move the SID once installed, and to recharge its batteries. If you would like to contribute to making your community a safer place then please contact Jackie Ward at LLRA, by email to LLRA@long-leys.org. The work is likely to involve about an hour a month of your time.
We are working with WERA (West End Residents Association) on this project and we are hoping that the West End can be included in the SID rotation once they have applied for Community Speed Watch membership. Below is a map showing the locations proposed for the West End.
Just to confirm, this is not a speed camera and does not collect any specific driver information. Research shows that SIDs are effective in reducing vehicle speeds, especially amongst those drivers who are well above the speed limit. The device does record details of the average and fastest speeds of vehicles, allowing LLRA to use this data to suggest further road improvements and/or police enforcement activity.

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