LLRA will be attending (online) the quarterly Commons Advisory Panel (CAP) meeting on Monday 7 March. Prior to the meeting CAP has received a proposal by Lincoln Art Ninjas for an art installation on West Common.
The project is described as a “Lincoln Wish Tree” which would “provide an attractive but discrete natural area on a unobtrusive part of West Common, for quiet contemplation, with enhanced wildlife habitats and associated biodiversity“.
In essence this is looking to formalise the activities that have been informally happening during COVID-19 lockdowns to the corner copse on the enclosed Cricket Green area. READ THE FULL PROPOSAL.
If anyone has any views or queries on this proposal then please email LLRA@long-leys.org before Monday lunchtime so we can include them in feedback to the project proposers. Thanks.
Jane Green says
I think this is a lovely idea and is somewhere for all ages to go. Seating or benches would add to the appeal. Area should include waste bins too.