We have had SID (our Speed Indicator Device) operating around Long Leys for six months now and many of us have noticed a reduction in the overall speed of traffic. This has been particularly helpful for less mobile and vulnerable groups crossing Long Leys Road, such as the elderly and those with pushchairs. Nine out of ten drivers now keep within the speed limit.
Following a resolution at the LLRA AGM in May (* see below), LLRA has started working with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and Lincolnshire Police, to focus on driver education. This activity will be directed towards the drivers of the circa 340 vehicles per week on Long Leys Road that drive well above the speed limit (35mph+), with a view to improving driver behaviour. The objective is to educate drivers, so they understand that there is a 30mph speed limit in Long Leys.
How Will Driver Education Work On Long Leys?
LLRA is purchasing, at a cost of £125, the appropriate temporary signage and branded high-visibility jackets for community volunteers to take part in the Community Speed Watch programme.
This group will then be undertaking high-visibility roadside operations to educate speeding drivers, with a view to improving driver behaviour. The group will log the vehicle registration number of all vehicles driving at 35mph and above, with the details provided to the police. Lincolnshire Police will then send advisory letters to the registered owners to confirm to them the speed at which their vehicle was travelling and that the speed was in excess of the speed limit.
Community Speed Watch is not about enforcement; it’s about raising awareness of speeding within communities and educating drivers. There are no fines or points on licences associated with this activity. After 28 days LLRA will shred the details provided to the police.
The volunteers operating on behalf of the community will be trained to carry out the observations and file reports to the police. We expect to see the first road-side presence of volunteers in November.
How You Can Help
There are a number of ways you can help make the Long Leys Community a safer place:
- Observe the speed limit. This sets an example to other drivers who may be following you. 90% of vehicles are driven within the speed limit with a further 8% travelling between 30-35mph.
- Be supportive of the community volunteers who are participating in Community Speed Watch activity. They will be targeting some of the 2% of vehicles travelling at 35mph+
- Volunteer as a Community Speed Watch volunteer. If you wish to help email Jackie Ward: jackie.ward@long-leys.org
* Note on AGM Resolution
At the LLRA AGM in May 2019, the community unanimously approved a proposal for “LLRA to actively work with Community Speed Watch to put greater focus on driver education for those who drive at speeds in excess of 40mph on Long Leys Road“. When discussing this resolution with Community Speed Watch, it became clear that 35mph and above was the sensible place to start driver education, rather than the originally proposed 40mph. The LLRA management committee, at its September meeting, agreed that falling in line with the Community Speed Watch guidance would benefit the community and broadly reflected the intent of the original resolution. If anyone has any queries on this then please email LLRA@long-leys.org
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