LLRA’s 2019 AGM and Community Meeting was held on Tuesday 21 May 2019. There were community votes approving:
- The use of £500 from the LLRA legal fund to support LLRA operations in 2019/2020.
- Support for LLRA to actively work with Community Speed Watch to put greater focus on driver education for those who drive at speeds in excess of 40mph on Long Leys Road.
- Amendments to the LLRA constitution to strengthen oversight.
- Re-election of Gary Stimson (Chair), Megan Cox (Vice-Chair) and Chris Taylor and election of Jim Hanrahan to the LLRA Management Committee.
A variety of topics were discussed at the meetings. See long-leys.org/2019-llra-agm-and-community-meeting/ for minutes and details on matters discussed.
Key Focus For 2019/2020
One major focus for LLRA over the next 18 months will be the development of the Long Leys Neighbourhood Plan. An application has been made to a grant provider, Locality, to obtain funding for consultancy support to help develop the plan and for technical support to progress a Housing Needs Assessment (HNA). A further update on this will be produced in coming weeks once the outcome of the grant application is confirmed. A summary of the Initial Community Survey undertaken in April/May can be found in Appendix A of the Community Meeting minutes.
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