LLRA is pleased to advise that work has started on a potential masterplan of the Albion Works business area on Long Leys Road. The project will be undertaken by AECOM, an infrastructure consulting firm appointed by Locality, which manages Technical Support Neighbourhood Planning grants on behalf of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
The project will take circa 4 months, with a consultant urban designer exploring the site potential with residents, land owners and local businesses. The outcome will be a vision of how the site could potentially evolve over the long term. Subject to community support, the Albion Works masterplan would form part of the Long Leys Neighbourhood Plan which will cover a 20-year period and whose policies will be used by the Local Planning Authority to determine future planning applications in Long Leys.
An initial site visit from the consultant will occur in September. The project will be guided by the feedback provided in the recent Long Leys Resident Survey (see Summary pdf pages 18-22). Further updates will be made as the project progresses.
AECOM are familiar with the Long Leys area, having previously worked with LLRA on the Long Leys Design Codes and Guidance.

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